News - Sacred Heart Primary School Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

Sacred Heart Primary School Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

Our Promise

“High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people. Some children and young people need educational provision that is additional to or different from this. This is special educational provision under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Schools and colleges must use their best endeavours to ensure that such provision is made for those who need it. Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less.” (SEN Code of Practice 2014 s1.24)
At Sacred Heart we are committed to meeting the educational needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, and ensuring that they make progress. In line with our mission statement and current legislation, we endeavour to ensure that every child is included in all aspects of school life and is supported appropriately to access a broad and balanced curriculum.

Definition of Educational Special Needs

The SEN Code of Practice 2014 states: “A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
  • Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.

Children must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught.

Our Aims

In providing for children with Special Educational Needs we aim to:

  • Develop all children to their full potential and to value them equally; irrespective of ability, disability, race, gender or background and to give everyone access to the whole curriculum.
  • Identify children’s needs as early as possible, in order to support their physical, social, emotional or intellectual development.
  • Make sure that there is a consistent, whole-school approach to the identification and provision for pupils with special needs throughout the school.
  • Involve parents in a partnership of support.
  • Monitor and evaluate the child’s progress, providing the appropriate information and records as part of this process.
  • Embrace inclusion for all pupils and ensure a policy of integration into all activities of the school.
  • Comply with the 2014 Code of Practice.

The school aims for each child to realise their full potential in a caring, supportive environment, which provides equal opportunities for all. All children have individual needs, many of which can be met within the normal environment of the classroom through a differentiated curriculum.

Identification of pupils with SEN

  • Pupils may be identified by parents or the school. The progress of all children is monitored and pupils making less progress than their peers will be brought to the attention of the school SENCO and Headteacher. Monitoring will be through testing such as SATs, the use of RAISE on line, through class based assessment and through informal observation.
  • At this point parents will be asked to discuss these difficulties and will be involved in formulating a plan of action for that child with the class teacher and SENCO.
  • The plan of action may be formalised and monitored using an SEN Support plan and/or Individual Education Plan which will be overseen by the class teacher and the SENCO, with copies kept in class, on the secure server and the pupil’s file after it has been discussed with parents. The child’s name will be added to the Special Educational Needs Register.
  • If external advice is required e.g. specialist academic assessment, medical advice (e.g. from the physiotherapist, occupational therapist, paediatrician, speech and language therapist), this will be recorded on the pupil’s file and relevant provision will be put in place.
  • If necessary, teachers and teaching assistants will receive training to deal with the specific needs of the child.
  • Pupils with complex or extreme difficulties may have the support of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The All About Me Profile within this will be completed alongside the parents and will be personalised to the needs of the individual child.


  • Provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities will be in accordance with the schools local offer.
  • Every effort will be made to include pupils with SEN within the full curriculum where this does not cause danger or distress to the child, to members of staff, or the rest of the class. This applies to curriculum activities in and out of school.
  • In line with the Special Educational Needs Disability Discrimination Act (2001), school will endeavour to ensure that all children with SEN enter fully into all aspects of school life: children with SEN are involved in all PE activities, including swimming, and are also considered for school teams.
  • Extra curricular activities such as choir, sports, drama productions and clubs are open to all children.
  • The needs of SEN children are considered carefully on all school visits so that they can participate in the activities. We consider this particularly important as many learning opportunities are afforded during these visits. The Risk Assessment will specify any particular needs.
  • Children requiring help with medical needs, social care or self-help skills will be treated sensitively and have their needs specified on a Care Plan which has been agreed and signed by the child’s parents.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Governors

  • Will appoint a representative to oversee SEN issues.
  • Will ensure that monies are set aside to develop resources in curriculum areas.
  • Will ensure that staff are kept fully up to date regarding SEN issues and undertake appropriate training.
  • Will ensure that funding delegated into school for pupils with SEN will be used to employ support staff ad specialist teachers, to undertake specialist assessments, for staff training and to provide specifically modified resources.
  • Will ensure access for pupils or parents with disabilities. The school has made certain that physical access to the building meets all requirements for children presently on roll. Physical access via doors and corridors meets all requirements for any person using a wheelchair. Changing facilities, toilet and shower facilities are all within recommended guidelines.
  • Will ensure that the building is audited, if required, to ensure that the physical space is suitable e.g. for pupils with toileting, mobility or auditory needs.
  • Will ensure that a special educational needs policy is in place, monitored and updated annually, and is available to staff, parents and the school Governors.

The Headteacher

  • Is the school’s person who is responsible for ensuring the needs of all pupils are met.
  • Will liaise regularly with the Governors to ensure that the needs of all pupils are considered.

The SENCO (Special Needs Co-ordinator)

  • Will ensure the effective day to day operation of the SEN policy within school.
  • Will contribute to the school development plan within the area of SEN.
  • Will co-ordinate provision for all pupils identified as having a special educational need by liaising with teachers, identifying training needs, checking the appropriate nature of IEPs, liaising with professionals, arranging meetings, EHCPs are correctly followed, organising Annual Reviews and transition meetings, liaising with TAs, keeping the SEN register up to date and ensuring all relevant paperwork is up to date.
  • Will also be responsible for collating information regarding pupils’ medical reports.
  • Will be responsible for having an up to date knowledge of current SEN legislation at national and county level.
  • Will ensure that this statement is followed and arrange for it to be reviewed as required with input from all the relevant professionals. This is currently 6 months after the EHCP is issued, and annually thereafter.

Teaching Staff

  • Will be responsible for differentiating the curriculum for pupils with special educational needs and will monitor their progress with guidance and advice from the school SENCO, and where appropriate, outside agencies. This includes writing appropriate IEPs which reflect the Action Plan set out in discussion with parents.
  • Will review and monitor the progress made by all children in their subject area as well as the effectiveness of resources and other curriculum material.
  • Will ensure that all children participate in their learning and take responsibility for their behaviour and learning as far as possible. They will also ensure that the attainment of pupils with special educational needs is maximised.
  • Will monitor the progress of pupils with a differentiated curriculum using PIVATS where appropriate. This is used to record progress for pupils making small steps of progress.
  • Will meet with parents termly to review progress made by children.
  • Will select the most appropriate strategies for teaching those children with SEN in the classroom.

Teaching Assistants:

  • Will work as directed by the class teacher, SENCO or Headteacher.
  • Are responsible for ensuring that programmes given to them are carried out and a record is made. This record will be used to evaluate the IEP.
  • May support pupils within class, withdraw to a quiet or more appropriate area of school to work one to one, or offer small group interventions.
    Welfare staff
  • Will be made aware of the needs of children who require specific supervision.
  • Will report back to the class teacher who will inform the SENCO of any problems.


  • Will be treated as partners and invited into school to participate in review meetings. If they are unable to attend, a copy of the new IEP will be sent home and the parents’ views will be welcomed.
  • Will be welcome to discuss their child’s progress at any time.

Will be supported in order that they will be able and empowered to:

  • Recognise and fulfill their responsibilities as parents and play an active and valued role in their child’s education.
  • Have knowledge of their child’s entitlement within the SEN framework.
  • Make their views known about how their child is educated.
  • Have access to information, advice and support during assessment and any related decision making processes about special educational provision.

The Pupil

  • Wherever possible, the child’s view of progress will be sought and treated as a valuable contribution when future action is considered.

IEP Reviews

The class teacher, SENCO, parents and the child will regularly review the progress of all children with SEN at least termly in line with the guidance laid down in the Code of Practice.

This review will focus on:

  • Progress made by the child.
  • Effectiveness of support programme.
  • Future action.
  • Provision which may also be impacting on progress.

Parents of a pupil on the special needs register should discuss any concerns they have with the school SENCO. If these are not resolved then the Headteacher or SEN Governor would become involved.

To make communications effective all staff should:

  • Acknowledge and draw on parental knowledge and expertise in relation to their child;
  • Focus on the child’s strengths as well as areas of additional need;
  • Recognise the personal and emotional investment of parents and be aware of their feelings;
  • Ensure that the parents understand procedures, are aware of how to access support in preparing contributions, and are given documents to be discussed well before meetings;
  • Respect the validity of differing perspectives and seek constructive ways of reconciling different viewpoints;
  • Respect the differing needs parents themselves may have, such as a disability or resources etc.

Reference has been made to the following reviews and reports:
SEN Code of Practice
The Authority Policy on SEN
The Equality Act 2010
LCC Criteria for Carrying Out Statutory Assessments and Drawing Up Statements of Special Educational Needs

Reviewed by: Mrs. H. Bowden (SENCo) 12th January 2017