Special Needs and Learning Support

At Sacred Heart School we are committed to meeting the Special Educational needs of all our pupils ensuring that they are all given the opportunity to reach their full potential in line with our mission statement. We strive to create an atmosphere of love and care for all our children whatever their needs and abilities within a secure, stimulating and happy learning environment.

Our Special Needs Co-ordinator ensures that the individual needs of our children are met and that individual educational programmes are drawn up in liaison with the class teacher. We believe that parents play a vital role in the success and development of their children and the special needs co-ordinator meets with parents formally three times a year to review IEPs and progress, but also ensures she establishes informal relationships with parents, so that any concerns or worries are quickly discussed and addressed. The Special Needs co-ordinator works closely with the teaching staff to ensure that the learning needs of pupils with special educational needs are identified and assessed as early as possible, and their progress is closely monitored.

The school follows the guidelines established within the Special Needs Code of Practice and when needs cannot be met solely within the class the Special Needs co-ordinator liaises with special schools and outside agencies to ensure the needs of staff and pupils are met effectively and specialist advice is gained. We have in place in school the following initiatives/programmes to support our children’s learning

  • Early, Additional and Further Literacy Support
  • Pivats/Pivots
  • Wolf Hill
  • Quest