
The Intent of our Mathematics Curriculum

At Sacred Heart, we strive to develop a love of all things mathematical. Every child is equally important, so, our children are fully supported to enable them to develop at a level that is appropriate to them. As well as engaging our children through fun activities, our lessons focus on developing deeper thinking, rehearsing methods and learning new facts. Through challenging word problems, missing number tasks and open-ended problem solving where they explain their understanding, we challenge children to become masters of the subject. Children explain their answers rather than just giving a numerical answer and are encouraged to challenge others if they disagree and argue their case if they are convinced that they are correct.

We aim for our children to:

  • develop a positive attitude and approach to maths.
  • develop a secure understanding of the objectives being taught.
  • appreciate that maths is fundamental to all areas of the curriculum and the real world.
  • become confident at expressing their reasons and thinking using the correct mathematical language and vocabulary.
  • challenge and be challenged by others in a safe environment.
  • develop quick recall of the basic facts.
  • be able to solve problems by applying their knowledge of different approaches.


The Implementation of our Mathematics Curriculum

In EYFS, children are immersed in mathematical language and encouraged to use it within their play. They experience activities where they explore number understanding and show critical thinking in tasks that they take part in. Every opportunity is taken to talk about and experience number and problem solving appropriate to our children. Mathematical experiences involve the use of games, practical manipulatives and mathematical models, following a mastery approach.

We strongly believe that a mastery approach is the best way for our children to learn maths. We feel that every child can achieve in maths and is able to develop a secure knowledge and understanding of the many areas covered in this subject. By striving to master maths, children will develop a deep, secure and adaptable understanding, feeling confident to problem solve and face new situations without immediately needing support.
Staff plan the learning journeys in a way that is relevant to the class of children that they are teaching. Learning will not move on until staff believe that the children have a sound and secure understanding of a concept.
Children who struggle with a concept will be supported through practical resources and adult support. Children who quickly grasp a concept will be challenged to think deeply and reason about their learning.

The Impact of our Mathematics Curriculum

Assessment of impact forms an integral part of every maths lesson at Sacred Heart. Staff continually look at the level of knowledge and understanding shown by the children being taught during every part of the maths lesson and make changes in their teaching to ensure that a solid knowledge and understanding are being developed. Linking with our mastery approach, staff ensure that confidence and resilience continually develop in each and every child, taking the small steps approach to ensure an understanding in every lesson. The way children explain their methods and understanding and the mathematical vocabulary play as big a part as getting the answer correct.

A formal assessment is carried out by Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 at the end of every term to ensure any gaps in learning are identified and then re-visited more than might be deemed necessary, previous learning is revisited and underpins new learning. This assessment, as well as daily staff assessment, is used to provide focused teaching on those children that need it.
