News - Year 6 Welcome Letter

Year 6 Welcome Letter

Welcome to Year Six!

It doesn’t seem two minutes since the children were starting in reception and here they are embarking on their final year at primary School. Year six is a challenging year; the best way to describe it is like a roller coaster ride a lots of highs and a few lows! In year six we have the dreaded SATs and we work really hard to ensure that all the children have the best opportunity possible to achieve their full potential. However, we also try to ensure that we have fun along the way and provide the children with some lovely lasting memories.

We, as a school, want to ensure that your child reaches his/her full potential, emotionally, socially and academically and we feel that this is best achieved when we work alongside parents. I have put together some information that will hopefully answer many of your questions and give you a clear overview as to what your children will be doing in school. We ask that you support us by ensuring that all homework is completed and that children have good attendance throughout their time in year 6.


Subject Autumn Spring Summer
R.E. The way the truth and the life programme The way the truth and the life programme The way the truth and the life programme
History Ancient Greece Britain since 1948
Geography Mountains Revision Local traffic
Art Drawing / 3D Mouldable William Morris Textiles / printing/ collage Painting / drawing
Music Exploring sound sources and rhythm and pulse. Exploring rounds.Musical process. Song writer
P.E. Invasion games – HockeyGymnastics DanceNetball AthleticsCricket
Science 1. Adaption and Interdependence2. Micro Organisms 3. More about dissolving4. Reversible and irreversible changes 5. Forces in action6. Changing circuits
Design andTechnology Shelters Fairground Controllable vehicles
ICT Multi media presentations Spreadsheet modelling Use of internet, to interpret information from the internet


Children are asked as part of their Literacy speaking and listening curriculum to complete two presentations in year six. One, in the Autumn Term and one in the Spring Term. I have sent out a separate letter regarding this explaining it in more detail. The second presentation is a numeracy focus and this has proved to be a very useful revision tool in previous years.

KS2 SATs Guidance for parents

Towards the end of Key Stage 2, Year 6 children take the KS2 SATs. (Statutory Assessment Tests)
The children are assessed during the middle of May for a whole week.
Unlike Key Stage 1 tests, which do not have strict time limits, the Key Stage 2 tests are strictly timed. Nearer the time a timetable will be sent into school and we will give you the information as and when this is organised letting you know which tests will be on which day.

It is crucial that you avoid where possible taking holidays in term time during year six as you child will miss revision.

National tests and teacher assessment for children aged 7 and 11

7 year olds 11 year olds
What will the tests cover? Reading, writing (including handwriting), spelling and maths Reading, writing (including handwriting), spelling, maths, mental arithmetic
How long are the tests? Less than three hours altogether Five and a half to six hours altogether
When are the tests? The tests can be taken at any point up to the end of May. The tests are on set days in the middle of May.
What will the teacher assessment cover? English, maths and science English and maths
How will I get my child’s results? The school will send you a report telling you what National Curriculum levels your child has reached.
What National Curriculum levels should most children achieve? At least level 2 At least level 4

What do the National Curriculum levels mean?

There are eight levels in the National Curriculum. Children are expected to work their way through one level every two years. At the end of Year 2 children are expected to achieve level 2. At the end of Year 6 children are expected to achieve level 4.

How can I help my child?

Here are 7 ways you can help your child do well at school.

Make sure you know what homework is set and encourage your child to do it thoroughly.
At home, encourage your child to read quietly for 20 minutes each day. Or, if your child is under 9, spend 20 minutes each day reading with them.
Find opportunities for your child to use numbers in everyday situations and encourage them to work out sums in their head.
Encourage your child to follow up interests and talk about them.
Try to keep up to date with what your child is learning at school and talk regularly about it.
Help your child to be ready to learn and not tired when they go to school.
Make sure your child does not miss any of the tests, unless they are ill.

Throughout the year in year 6 children will complete SATs papers from previous years under test conditions  this prepares them for the real tests  but more importantly it highlights for us and the children which areas they need extra practice on. I always send the marked papers home to give you the opportunity to work with your child on areas that they have found difficult. In previous years parents have told me that they found this very useful as they could help their children revise more effectively because they knew what their child could and couldn’t do.

We provide revision books for your children to use throughout their time in year six (you will probably find these really useful when going through SATs papers with your child!) We ask that you ensure your children take care of them so we can use them with future children.


Developing independence is a really important part of being in Year Six. We are very aware that part of our role in school is to prepare our children for their move to secondary school and with this in mind much of the year six curriculum fosters responsibility and independence. From the moment the children enter year six they are responsible for their own learning, expectations are high and they are encouraged to work independently. We ask that parents support this by helping to develop children’s independence and encouraging them to be responsible. Children should pack their own bag for school, be responsible for their homework tasks and bring their homework in on time.


By year six we are trying to encourage independence in reading and a love of books. At year six the children will be heard read less often as they are now at a standard where they have the ability and the skills to read independently. Any children that we feel still need additional support will receive this within school. The children will be taught reading strategies once a week during guided reading. Encouraging reading as a leisure activity can be one of the best ways to improve your child’s performance in English. Remember children should be encouraged to read for enjoyment and comics and magazines are sometimes useful to encourage more reluctant readers. Even the most able reader will often appreciate books, which have some illustration. If your child is not enjoying a book encourage them to pick something else.


Homework is very important in year six and we do insist that all children complete their homework and hand it in on time. Homework is used to prepare the children for their SATs and a variety of homework will be set throughout the year. Some homework will be set to consolidate what the children have done in class, whilst other homework will be set to keep skills sharp (this will be revision style homework which will indicate to us areas that the children need to revisit and need extra support in). We ask that you work with your child and support them with their homework.

From past experience parents concerns with regards to supporting homework usually are about Numeracy. By year six the maths being taught is quite challenging and as a supportive parent you obviously want to support your children in the best way possible. Quite often the biggest worry parents have is about the methods used in school being different to the way in which they were taught at school and is it alright to show your child the way you know. Quite simply the answer is yes it is all right. If your child is struggling with long multiplication and you work with your child and show them a method that they then understand they will be allowed to use it in school! In year six the children are shown a range of methods and are encouraged to use the one they find the easiest.

Friday = Numeracy homework hand in next Tuesday

Thursday = Literacy homework hand in on Monday

Children will receive other homework as and when appropriate, like presentations, projects or just extra practice

P.E. We ask that the P.E kit is kept in school at all times and that it is clearly labelled with your child’s name. P.E. is a vital part of the curriculum and all pupils are expected to participate. In year 6 P.E. provides a good break from all the academic work. Children will only be excluded for medical reasons with a note from their parents. At year six we do allow the children to wear trainers for P.E.

Behaviour Philosophy

At Sacred Heart School our Behaviour Policy is firmly rooted in our Mission Statement, in the strong belief that we are all children of God, valued for who we are, not what we are. Our policy is based on positive reinforcement but, of necessity, contains sanctions, which we believe are fair, consistent and focused on the behaviour rather than the child. The aim of any sanction that is applied is to encourage future good behaviour within a forgiving atmosphere where each day is a new day and a chance for a new start. “Love one Another as I have Loved You” John 13 v 34. In year six we are very firm but fair with the children, as a major part of our role is to prepare your child for Secondary school. We spend much time developing skills and strategies with the children to help them deal with situations such as falling out with friends themselves.

AbsencesWe ask that you contact the office and let us know if your child is ill. Please try to ensure that your child has very good attendance in year 6 as poor attendance means they miss vital work, which has a significant impact on how well the children do in their SATs. We only have a limited time to revise and if your child misses something often there is no time to go back over it!

I hope you find this information useful, many thanks in advance for your support.