News - Year 4 Welcome Letter

Year 4 Welcome Letter

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 4. It promises to be an exciting year ahead for your child to mature and become more independent. Supporting your child at home is very important so I hope that a brief overview of the term’s programme of study will prove useful to you. In Literacy we will be reading and emulating historical stories, playscripts, newspapers, poetry and stories from imagined worlds. In RE our topics will be Trust in God and The Bible. Our topic work will be the study of children in the 2nd World War and in art we will be studying Viewpoints. I would like to encourage the children to extend their study at home by doing their own research and wider reading. In maths we will be building on and extending strategies begun in Year 3. It is vital that the children learn their times tables as they are expected to know them all by heart be the end of Year 4.

The children will need to ensure that they have a full PE kit in school every day. Please label every item of kit clearly to avoid any mix-ups. Swimming will begin after February half term.

The children will receive a spelling homework, maths homework and times table to learn on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday. Reading with your child every night is essential to ensure that they make good progress and can access every area of the curriculum fully.

I am sure that your child will be very happy in Year 4 but should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to make an appointment to come and meet with me. I look forward to a productive and exciting year ahead for myself and the children.